Running Man Ep100: War of Gods. Guest: Kim Hee Sun |
This episode was DAEBAK!!! Among the BEST!!! The video will be posted later..be patient ok..i know all of you excited and cannot wait to watch it..huahuahua...
Poseidon: The god of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and the
creator of horses; known as the "Earth Shaker". He is a son of Cronus and Rhea and brother to Zeus and Hades. In classical artwork, he was depicted as a mature man of sturdy build with a dark beard, and holding a trident. The horse and the dolphin are sacred to him.
Apollon: The god of music, healing, plague, the sun, prophecies, poetry, and archery; associated with light, truth and the sun. He is Artemis' twin brother and Hermes' elder (half)brother, and son of Zeus and Leto. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and various attributes including a laurel wreath, bow and quiver, raven, and lyre. Animals sacred to Apollo include: roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, and snakes.
Athena: The goddess of wisdom, warfare, battle strategy, heroic endeavour,
handicrafts and reason. According to most traditions, she was born from
Zeus's head fully formed and armored. She was depicted crowned with a
crested helm, armed with shield and a spear. Her symbol is the olive tree. She is commonly shown accompanied by her sacred animal, the owl.
Eros: Eros is represented as the son of Aphrodite
whose mischievous interventions in the affairs of gods and mortals
cause bonds of love to form, often illicitly. Ultimately, in the later
satirical poets, he is represented as a blindfolded child, the precursor
to the chubby Renaissance Cupid – whereas in early Greek poetry and art, Eros was depicted as an adult male who embodies sexual power. God of love and sexual intercourse.
Hermes: The god of travel, messengers, trade, thievery, cunning wiles, language,
writing, diplomacy, athletics, and animal husbandry. He is the
messenger of the gods, a psychopomp who leads the souls of the dead into Hades' realm, and the son of Zeus and Maia.
He was depicted either as a handsome and athletic beardless youth, or
as an older bearded man. His attributes include the herald's wand or caduceus, winged sandals, and a traveler's cap. His sacred animals are the tortoise, the ram, and the hawk.
Aphrodite: The goddess of love, beauty and desire. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares. She was depicted as a beautiful woman. Her symbols include the rose, scallop shell, pomegranate, and myrtle wreath. Her sacred animal is the dove.